The Department of Hotel Management of J.J.College of Arts and Science
(Autonomous), Pudukkottai. Organized a Special Lecture Programme through its
Dukes and Dutchess club from 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m 9th Sepetmber. The Resource
person was Mr.R.Kaviarasu, Commis - I, South Indian cuisine, Darza Resorts,
Coimbatore. The lecture was attended by 50 students and 4 Faculty members of the
Hotel Management Department.
The Guest speaker was heartily welcomed by Mr.M.Manikandan of III B.Sc
(HM & CS). The speaker is can expert in south Indian cuisine. The session was very
interactive and students participated enthusiastically. In the beginning
Mr.R.Kaviarasu gave an introduction on South Indian cuisine, Role of Masalas,
Spices and Gravues in it. He explained various ways of cutting Vegetables and Meat
used in South Indian cuisine. He highligted the Stable foods of South India and he
listed out the South Indian Breakfast varities. Later he explained the organizational
structure of South Indian kitchens. He spoke on the ways to standardise the recipies.
The vote of thanks was given by a Ist year student Mr.K.Sureshkumar and
Dr.S.Karthikeyan, Head of the Department presented a small token of appreciation
to the Guest
As per the feedback received from the participants programme was a very
good learning experience. The lecture helped them to understand “The Richness and
Variety of South Indian Cuisine”.