Department of Tamil

The Department was started in 1994 along with the College,till 2018 it offered only Part -ITamil language for all UG courses. In 2019, B.A., (Tamil) was started and the first batch of students are in the third semester of Course. There are thirty. The Curriculum and courses have been developed with the Vision and Mission of the Department in view. The Board of Studies has tried to strike a balance between Language and Literature and old & new Literature. The aim is to make the syllabi stand comparison with those in institutions of excellence

The Course has a comprehensive scope. It tries to harmonize the utilitarian and aesthetic goals of literary study. The goal is the holistic development of human personality.

All the members of the Faculty except two have Doctoral Degrees All of them except one are M.Phils. Most of them have published research articles. They have as far published 18 articles. TheDepartment can offer research guidance in thrust areas like Sangam Literature, Kappiyangal, Bhakti Illakkiam, Modern literature and Folklore. The text books for Part - I Tamil are prepared by the members of the Faculty, so far nine books have been published thus.

The teachers make use of ICT tools like PPT,film strips and DVDs as audio-visual aids to make the lectures more interesting.

The Department has established a Club named "KalaiAruvi illakkia Peravai" in order to lend variety and colour to academic life. It organizes special lectures and various inter-department and inter-collegiate competitions.

During the COVID - 19 lockdown the Department organizedaten Day e - Workshop on "Nannool".The student community got the chance to interact with eminent academic luminaries like Dr.R.Thamotharan, Professor, School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies,Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. The staff also posted e-content on chosen topics and engaged google- classes forthe benefit of the students.

As part of extra-curricular exposure our students along with thestaff visited the archaeological site at Keezhadi on 29th February 2020.

The Department has a tradition of having at least one NSS officer per year on its rolls. The students too take part in NSS, RRC, YRC, WEW, Rotaract etc.

In addition to these large number of titles and volumes on Tamil Language and Literature available in the central Library,the Department has a mini library of 438 books, mainly essential text books. The Department also has an LCD projector to facilitate the use of ICT tools in lectures,Staff participatein in-house Faculty Development Programs on Saturdays and this enables peer interaction and self-development.

The members of the faculty lend total co-operation to the Management, Principal and Colleagues to ensure that institutional objectives are fulfilled.

Contact Person

Designation : Head, Department of Tamil
Contact No. : 9942735098
Email ID :