Our college is one among those few colleges in Tamil Nadu who have got the approval from CPCSEA, Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India to have "Animal House Facility" for Research for Education purpose on small animals bearing registration number 687/PO/Re/S/02/CPCSEA, where experiments are carried out on small animals. Our department is maintaining the highly sophisticated, well equipped "Animal House Facility" since August, 2002 which is utilized for the research purpose by our post-graduate students and research scholars. Our facility centre is dedicated to ensuring the humane and ethical usage of animals for research pursuits by strictly complying with the CPCSEA and in-house animal care principles, rules, regulations and guidelines.

Unique features of the facility

  • CPCSEA, Govt. of India accredited experimentation facility
  • Adequate infrastructure and space for isolation of experiments on different species of animals
  • Dedicated service corridor for better barrier management
  • Independent unit for different areas and quarantine room
  • Facility is constructed / segregated in such a way to provide dedicated places and services to clients as per their requirements.

Target groups to employ the animal facility

  • Students
  • Research Scholars
  • Faculty members involved in research with animals, who is eligible to use the Animal facility to do experimental work for their research.
  • The Institutional Animals Ethics Committee (IAEC) meetings are held twice in a year in which the proposals for the study to be carried out using Animal House Facility is discussed by all the IAEC members and after getting their approval, the facility is made use of. This facility helps our students to carry out their research in in-vivo, which further encourages them to take up research in their future.
  • Following are the CPCSEA nominated members to the Institutional Animals Ethics Committee(IAEC) of our establishment:


Name of the Nominee(s)

Designation and Address

Designation in IAEC


Dr.P.Ramesh Kumar

Scientist, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Mandapam Regional Centre, Marine Fisheries P.O Madapam Camp, Tamil Nadu

Main Nominee


Dr.K.Arunjunai Rajan

Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Government Arts College, Melur, Madurai District, Tamil Nadu.

Link Nominee



No.27, Subbu Street, Periyagaram, Ginace, Villupuram, Tamil Nadu

Scientist from outside the Institute



No.9, North Madavilagam, Thiruvaiyaru, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu

Socially aware nominee



Head, Department of Biochemistry,
J.J College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Pudukkottai

Scientist In-charge of Animal House Facility, Chairperson



Co-ordinator and Head, Department of Microbiology, J.J College of Arts and Science(Autonomous), Pudukkottai

Biological Scientist, Member Secretary



Head, Department of Biotechnology,
J.J College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Pudukkottai

Scientist from different biological discipline



Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, J.J College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Pudukkottai

Scientist from different biological discipline



Assistant Director of Animal Husbandry(Rtd.),T.S.No.1849/5A Ambalpuram, 1st Street, Pudukkottai
