A Two Day National Conference on Recent Innovations in Phytochemistry (RIPC-2019) was organized by PG and Research departments of Chemistry and Botany, J.J College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Sivapuram, Pudukkottai on Wednesday and Thursday 21st and 22nd August 2019.

Inaugurating the conference, Rev.Fr.Dr.S.John Britto SJ Professor Emeritus, Former Principal, St.Joseph’s College, Thiruchirappalli inspired the Participants with his motivating speech congratulated the management for her vision of search for Excellence and for the hall mark of quality in the institution. He underlined the concept of “While there is a will, there is way”. He pointed out the unity among the diverse fields. He appealed to the audience to develop scientific temper.

In her Presidential address in the inaugural function, Dr.S.Kvaitha Subramanian, Trustee, Karpagavinyaga Educational Group, stressed the need for updating knowledge. Dividing personsinto three categories watches, wonderers and makers. She wished all to become makers and not more watchers and wonderers.

Welcoming the participants Dr.J.Parasuraman, Principal appealed to the students to do research in their respective fields

The chief guest released a souvenir and the trustee madam received the first copy. The inaugural session came to close with vote of thanks by Dr.C.Muthukumar, Head,Department of Chemistry.

The First plenary session was addressed by Rev.Fr. Dr.S.John Britto,SJ on plant Derived Natural Products.

The Following Faculty from different colleges were honored by Rev.Fr.Dr.S.John Britto

1. Dr.B.Ramkumar, Assistant Professor, Govt.Arts College, Trichy
2. Dr.V.Thirumurugan, AVVM Sri Pushpam College, Poondi, Thanjavur
3. Dr.R.Manikandan, AVVM Sri Pushpam College, Poondi, Thanjavur
4. Dr.T.Thirugnam , AVVM Sri Pushpam College,Poondi, Thanjavur
5. Dr.L.Cathrine, Holy cross College, Trichy
6. Dr.S.Anbalagan. H.H.The rajah’s College, Pudukkottai

Participants presented papers, Dr.B.Ramkumar and Dr.V.Thirumurugan acted as chair person.

The Second plenary session in the afternoon was addressed by Dr.D.Vasudevan, Principal Scientist, CSIR, CECRI, Karaikudi on “Phytochemical Screening and Chromatographic finger print profile of some medicinal plants.