Special Lecture Programme - “Curvilinear co-ordinates from Mathematical Physics” -Deparment of Physics

The Department of Physics, J.J.College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Pudukkottai arrange a Special Lecture Programme on Wednesday, 07.08.2019. Dr. M. Senthilvelan, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, delivered a speech on“Curvilinear co-ordinates from Mathematical Physics”. He explained the basic concepts of Cartesian and curvilinear co-ordinates delivered from orthogonal co-ordinates. He also explained the non-orthogonal curvilinear co-ordinates. Using cylindrical and Cartesian co-ordinates. He had worked out a few problems, he explained the volume elements of curvilinear co-ordinates and Cartesian, cylindrical, and soherucal polan co-ordinates system of co-ordinate variables, vector representation, magnitude of 1A1 and curvilinear co-ordinates orthogon. Finally,he concluded his speech with the application of curvilinear co-ordinates used in day to day life.
Dr.M.K.Murali, Head, Department of Physics, presided over the meeting, Manikandan, I M.Sc. Physics welcomed the gathering and N.Dhyaneswaran, II M.Sc. Physics proposed the vote of thanks.