Khelo India National Boxing Championship – Sterling Performance by J.J. College

R.Malathy, B.Sc. Physical Education, J.J. College of Arts and Science, Sivapuram, Pudukkottai bagged the Bronze Medal at the Khelo India National Boxing Championship held Bhopal Madhya Pradesh last week.

She passed through all the screening competitions to be one among the five 5 Girls from Tamilnadu to participate in the contest out of the ten Boxers from Tamilnadu. She was the only one to win a medal. R.Malathy will be selected All India Level Training because of this achievement.

Mr. N.Subramanian, Secretary of the College, Dr. J.Parasuraman, Principal, Mr. Parthiban the coach and Dr. K.Jagathis Babu, Head, Department of Physical Education congratulated R.Malathy on her fine performance.