The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of J.J. College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Pudukkottai organised the First of One Day Colloquium cum Workshop on "Institutional Quality *upgradation Programme (IP-UP)" on Monday, 29th April, 2019.
Dr. M.Selvam, Formerly Dean of Management and Professor and Head, International Business and Commerce, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, conducted the Workshop. Using PPT, he defined Quality in detail. He quoted a number of Kurals to emphasize the importance of quality in Higher Education. He listed 14 capabilities like writing and speaking skills, thinking critically and analytically, solving problems, self learning, working with others, understanding others, code of values and ethics, welfare of community, industry, social context, etc., for the entire growth of the institution and the individual. He expanded the term TEAM into T for Think deeply, E for Effect widely, A for Appraise finally and M for Match highly. He even expanded the term Quality as quest for Excellence, understanding the concept, Action oriented, Learner centric Approach, Innovation for change, training to build competencies and year round activity. He quoted from the wise sayings of great people like Thirugnana Sambandar and Thirumoolar. The speaker suggested for developing Quality Culture. He insisted on including programme outcome, programme specific outcome and course outcome in the curriculum and syllabus.
Presiding over the Workshop, Dr. Kavitha Subramanian, Trustee, Karpaga Vinayaga Educational Trust, came out with the concept when you hear you forget, when you see you remember and when you do you understand. She asked the teachers to analyse the question papers in the light of K.Knowledge, U-Understanding, P-Practice, A-Analysing, S-synthesis, C-Creative and E-Evaluation.
Dr. J.Parasuraman, Principal, welcomed the gathering and Dr. V.P.Sudha, Vice Principal proposed the vote of thanks.