Mushroom Cultivation

Jenner Club of Microbiology, organized a two days Hands on Training in “Mushroom Cultivation” for I and II M.Sc. Students of Microbiology. The training was given by Mr. V. Bhuvaneshbarani, Managing Director, B2 Healthcare, Pudukkottai and Mr.R. Hariharan, Manager, B2 Healthcare, Pudukkottai.

In the morning session, they suggested that the Mushroom Cultivation is one of the most significant agribusinesses in the world. It is also very profitable as it can be started with a low investment and small space. Mushroom cultivation is an up and coming source of alternative income for many agripreneurs in India. It includes greenhouse technology, irrigation system, fertilizer control system, greenhouse air-conditioning system, planting supplies and innovative knowhow, all of which ensure that the cultivation is on a par with global standards in terms of success rate, quality, and profit generation for farmers.