Today's youth Tomorrow's Leaders

The English Literary Association of JJ College of Arts and Science (Autonomous) Sivapuram
Pudukkottai organized a Special Lecture on Today's youth Tomorrow's Leaders" at 11 am on
Monday 12.9.2022. Dr Nisha Muralidharan, Motivational speaker, Assistant Professor of
Hindi,SRM University, Science and Technology Vadapalani Campus Chennai, was the
Resource Person.
She distinguished leadership as a skill or a trait. She outlined various qualities of an efficient
leader and motivated students To be the script writer of their life. She pointed out various
problems faced by the students like minority complex, appearance, others opinion, failure,
frustration and negative attitude. She motivated students to conquer their fear, and never think
of what others think about them. She focuses on the power of positive attitudes to our
subconscious mind. Speaker said that you actively communicate with your sub – conscious
mind. You can achieve whatever you need, then visualise whatever you want. She drew
attention to the impact of great leaders like Vivekananda, Sachin Tendulkar and Mother Therasa
likewise Religion ,Sports and Social life. They start their life with self - leadership. She cited
latest trend books to the students like - The 7 Habits of highly effective people . The speech was
followed by an interactive session.
Ms. S. Selvi, Head of the Department presided over the session. G.Arul Murugan of 3 rd BA
delivered the welcome address. C.Sharmila of 2nd MA compered the programme.
Manimegalai of II BA proposed the vote of thanks.