Freshers Day

J.J.College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Sivapuram, Pudukkottai conducted an Induction Programme for the Freshers admitted to the college in July 2022. The welcome address was given by Dr. S.Sudha Vice Principal. She not only welcomed the Freshers and their parents but also outlined the infrastructure in learning resources and the facilities for extra- curricular activities.

She sighted instances of a few distinguished alumni who could be inspirational role models. This was followed by individual lectures by the HOD’s on their respective faculties, the facilities available, the courses offered and the employment opportunities for such courses.

Then Dr.J.Parasuraman, the Principal spoke on the student friendly culture of the campus that is characterised by both firmness and friendliness. He outlined the code of conduct for students and the need to adhere to benefit from the excellent infrastructure, diligently buildup over decades. He called upon parents to interact frequently with the staff and other HOD’s, to ensure the progress of their works.

To conclude the session Dr.S.Kavitha, Executive Trustee Karpaga Vinayaga Educational Trust gave an inspirational message on the need for piety, purity and purposive action. Referring to adolescence, as the period of self-formation and character building, she emphasized the need to interact with once peers and teachers in a spirit of self-help and mutual-help.

She underscored the need for man making education so that the students emerged as useful citizens fit for various roles. What takes place in a college is determined by the healthy interaction between students, teachers, parents and society.

The education of the young is common pursuit. All stake holders should play their part with a sense of direction. The meeting ended with the vote of thanks by Dr. K.Dhayanidhi Head, Department of Tamil.