Graphics and their importance in Physics

The Department of Physics, J.J. College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Pudukkottai arranged a special lecture programme on Monday 08.08.2022. Dr. M. Senthilvelan, Professor and Head, Department of Nonlinear Dynamics, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 620 024

Dr. M. Senthilvelan gave a brief discussion on “Graphics and their importance in Physics”. More specifically, a straight line is taken to begin drawing functions that occur frequently in physics. Then quadratic polynomials and finally some higher order polynomials are discussed. In the second part, forms of trigonometry and exponential dependence are discussed.

Finally, parametric curves and their phenomena in physics are introduced Dr. M.K. Murali, Head and Assistant Professor of Physics, presided over the meeting. R. Sri Vaishnavi II M.Sc. Physics welcomed the gathering and M. Madhumitha III B.Sc. Physics proposed the vote of thanks.