The sumner’s club of Biochemistry J.J college of Arts & science, Pudukkottai. Conducted a guest lecture programme on 26/6/2019. Dr.B.Ramanathan, Founder and Managing director, ACE- international -Pte.Ltd., Singapore, the chief guest spoke on “Recent advances in Biomedical research & their impact on health careâ€. He explained to the students about the molecular level of treatment and discussed briefly about collection of the data from international level website. Recent trend of tissue bank i.e tissue repositor for research, population health , ageing, advantages of gene expression & how to get relief while working was also explained by him. He also encouraged the students for carrying out their intenship and summer camp in his own company in Singapore.
The department of Biochemistry, J.J. college of Arts and science, Pudukkottai signed an MOU with ACE- international -Pte.Ltd. authorized by Dr.B.Ramanathan, in the presence of the officials from AIPL and Dr.J.Parasuraman, Principal, J.J. College of Arts and Science(Autonomous), Pudukkottai. The Mou was signed for promoting and reinforcing cooperation, mutual exchange of Information and Technological know-how, joint venture and collaborative work projects, curricular/extracular development, internships, on-job trainings and placements, infrastructure development, improvement of research programs and academic activities and also exchange of experts and researchers.
Ms.S.Kanitha welcomed the gathering, Mr.P.Palaniapan hornoured the chief guest and Dr. M.Janakiraman introduced the guest to the audience. Kowsalya, II M.Sc, Biochemistry proposed the vote of thanks.