PG and Research Departments of Management Studies, J.J. College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Pudukkottai jointly organized along with Tamil Nadu State Rural Livelihood Mission (TNSRLM) and Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women (TNCDW) College Bazaar from 26.02.2019 to 28.02.2019 (Three days). In this the products produced by Women Self Help Group from Various Districts were displayed and marketed. Near about 30 stalls displayed the products and sold. Students and Staff Members from Arts and Science, J.J. Teacher Training, J.J. Institute of Nursing, J.J. College of Education, Karpaga Vinayaga Matric.Hr.Sec.School, Karpaga Vinayaga College of Nursing and Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Management (KIM) visited the Bazaar Exhibition and purchased various articles of the Self Help Groups. Various products of Women Self Help Groups was promoted and purchased by the students and staff members with keen interest.
Our College Secretary Mr. N.Subramanian and Principal Dr. J.Parasuraman inaugurated the College bazaar by Lighting the Lamp on the first day. The bazaar was graced by the Joint Director of Mahalir Thittam S.Saroja Devi and Assistant Project Officer Mr. Srinivasan. Three day Bazaar was ably assisted by the Marketing Officers of District Supply and Marketing Society (DSMS) Mr. N.Rajagopal,Mr. M.Sekar and by the Principal, Coordinator, HoD and Faculty Members of Department of Management Studies.