The Wilmut Club and Sumner’s Club of the Department of Biotechnology and Biochemistry, J.J. College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Pudukkottai conducted an Intercollegiate Science   “ BIOSPARK – 2K18”Meet on 24.08.2018.
The inauguration started at 10.00 a.m. in the Kalaignar Indoor Stadium Dr. G.Manigandan, Head, Department of Biotechnology, welcomed the gathering and Karpaga Vinayaga Educational  Trustee Dr. Kavitha Subramanian, inaugurated the meet by lighting the lamp. Various events like Mime, Face Painting, Turn Coat, Ad-zap, Rangoli, Tongue Squeezer, Brain waves and Art out of waste were conducted.
Around 310 students from 20 colleges within Tamilnadu actively participated in all the events.  During the valedictory function.  Dr. J.Parasuraman, Principal, felicitated the function. Dr.P.Santhanam, Assistant Professor, Department of Marine Science, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli delivered the valedictory address.
In his valedictory address, he elaborates, today’s world, the role of Science and Technology is indispensable.We need Science and Technology in every sphere of life like to treat diseases such as Cancer and AIDS.  India is unquestionably a leading developing country in the world especially the sectors like Biotechnology, Nano Technology, Ocean Technology and Space exploration.
He also quoted Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam quote – Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; we should not distort. His well known that the “Young people are the innovators, Creators, Builders and Leaders of the future. But they can transform the future only if they skills, health, decision making and real choices in life. Therefore the young minds like you people should come forward to build our nation through innovations in Science and Technology to feed our poor peoples of our nation and conservation of our mother
Chief Guest distributed away the certificates to the winner and participants from different colleges in and around Tamilnadu. Holy Cross, Trichy grabbed the winners up shield and Bishop College, Trichy got the runners up trophy.