ONE  DAY  STATE  LEVEL  WORKSHOP  ON Experimental Animal’s Model: Care, Maintenance and Handling

The Sumner’s club of the Department of Biochemistry, J.J. College of Arts and Science organized a state level one day workshop on ‘Dr. S. Achiraman, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Biotechnology, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli acted as the resource person. Mrs.S.Kanitha,  Head, Department of Biochemistry, welcomed the gathering. The resource person enlightened the participants  about the importance of experimental animal models in research.

He threw light on the various key measures to be followed and taken care of the laboratory animals. He explained in detail about the maintenance of laboratory animals. The students were make aware of the handling procedures to be followed while dealing with animals. He emphasized the importance of precautionary measures which has to be strictly followed during the experimental procedure. Each   and every students   was taught to collect urine samples and blood samples from the animals. They were also given information’s regarding the storage and preservation of collected samples. The resource person also dealt in detail about the various methodologies adopted for inducing various types of disease conditions within the animal. Finally the procedures to be followed to carry out the dissection process and for harvesting the organs were explained to the participants. The standard methodology which is followed  for safely storing the harvested organs for future use also explained. The resource person insisted the participants to   abide by the rules and regulations framed by the ethical committee strictly. He encouraged and motivated the students to take up and promote research through experimental animal model. During the whole session the resource person clarified the doubts arose by the students. Finally, the resource person distributed the certificates to all the participants.

Miss. B. Abirami, I , Biochemistry proposed the vote of thanks.