The 24th Sports Meet of J.J. College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Pudukkottai, was celebrated with all colours and gaiety on Thursday, 21st February, 2019.
Mr. P.Francis Sagayaraj, International Athlete, declared the Sports Meet Open. Delivering the Sports Day Address, he inspired the students narrating his own life which started from poverty but progressed towards prosperity by perpetual perseverance and hard work. He recollected his achievements and awards that encouraged the students. He assured the audience that failure makes people learn from experience. He wanted the youngsters to respect their parents, teachers and guides. He underlined that if people tried, they would definitely get a means somehow to guide them in proper direction. He finally distributed prizes to winners and runners of various sports events.
Presiding over the function, Mr. N.Subramanian, Secretary, congratulated the athletes for participating in all the games in large number with a spirit of sportsmanship. He cited the example of Thanjavur Toy that stands erect even after bending. Similarly students also should stand erect and firm in the face of failure and adversity.
Welcoming the audience, Dr. J.Parasuraman, Principal pointed out that J.J. College gave equal importance to academics and sports and games that resulted in the holistic development of students.
Dr. K.Jagathis Babu, Director of Physical Education presented the report and Dr. D.Raman proposed the vote thanks.
Cultural Programmes consisting of dance and song entertained the audience.