The sumner’s club of Biochemistry organized a one-day state level work shop on
“Nanaoparticle Synthesis and their Biological Applications” on 12/07/2023. Dr. Sivakumar
Muthusamy, Chief Technology Officer and Co-founder, Ariviya Deep Tech Pvt Ltd, Periyar
Technology Business Incubator, Thanjavur was the resource person.
The invited talk started at 11 am. The session starts with the welcome words by the Dr. S. Kanitha,
Head of the Department of Biochemistry, enlightened the audience with his wisdom words on the
importance of the event. Dr. Sivakumar Muthusamy about the field of Nanometer Scale Science and
Technology (NSST) is very broad, ranging from nanoparticles, nanoclusters, mesoscopic systems and
nano constrictions, to individual atoms and molecules and their self-assembly into defined structures
such as nanowires or biomolecules. This is a field where the border between the traditional disciplines
like physics, chemistry and biology is no longer detectable and interesting synergies arise, e.g.,
instruments developed in physics provide the precision and sensitivity to perform specific molecular
recognition experiments in biology. The roots of NSST go back to Feynman. The originator of the
famous sentence “There is plenty of room at the bottom”. His focus was on tools based mainly on
electron microscopes. In the afternoon session all the students attended the training programme and
received hands-on experience in synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials and their application
in food & agriculture, textiles, composites, sensors, pulp & paper and catalysis.
Every student learned about Nanoparticle. Students raised many questions about the
Nanoparticles Synthesis and their Biological Applications and the resource person answered
the queries raised by the students. finally,, third-year student delivered a vote of