Literature and Society

The English Literary Association of Department of English ,J.J College of Arts and Science Autonomous, Sivapuram Pudukkottai, organized a Special Lecture on 'Literature and Society' at 11.00 a.m on Thursday , July 2022. The Resource Person was Dr.A.V .Ponnalagu , Assistant Professsor of English (Rtd), H.H.The Rajah's College Autonomous ,Pudukkottai.Making pointed references to Shakespeare ,The Augustans, The Romantics and the Victorians, he established that Literature has always been a reflector of society and the spirit of the times.

He drew examples from American and Commonwealth Literature as well as Indian Literature in English and native languages. He called upon students to cultivate a social awareness and read writers like Dickens, Hardy, Mulkraj Anand , Kushwant Singh, Subramania Bharathi, Jayakandan and others.This will serve as a valuable social education. The lecture was followed by a highly energetic interactive question- answer session that encouraged students to become articulate in English as well as Tamil.

Earlier K.Tamilarasan of II M.A English welcomed the gathering , B.Rajkumar of II B.A English compered the Programme ,T. Mukesh kannan of III B.A proposed the vote of thanks. Ms.S.Selvi HOD, presided over the session.