Emerging personalised medicine for cancer therapy

The Wilmut Club of PG and Research Department of Biotechnology, JJ College of Arts and Sciences (Autonomous), Pudukkottai organised a special guest lecture programme on Monday (25.07.2022). The talk was given by Dr. G. Mathan, Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli. Dr. Mathan made the special lecture on "Emerging personalised medicine for cancer therapy".

He explained pharmacogenomics looks at how genetic influences affect an individual’s response to therapeutic medications. Personalized cancer medicine comes from studies of human genes and the genes in different cancers which have helped researchers design more effective treatments. Rather than taking the approach that therapy with a certain health condition should begin with the same medication at the same dose, pharmacogenomics has the potential to enable personalized medicine selection tailor made for the person affected with cancer.

Dr. Mathan differentiated the personalised cancer therapy with other cancer therapies and emphasized that personalized cancer medicines tailor made to the patient, can have fewer side effects than the generalized treatment. He stressed out that breast cancer is the most dreaded form of cancer and personalized medicines can be an effective form of treatment for the condition. Students and staff from the department attended the seminar which was followed by questionnaires by the enthusiastic participants. Earlier, the seminar was opened with the welcome address by Dr. V. Jayaramanathan, Associate Professor from the department who highlighted the importance of early diagnosis in the treatment of cancer.

He highlighted that such intellectual cum awareness talk are important to educate students about cancer and encouraged them to come up with innovative techniques to curb the disease. Dr. G. Manigandan, Head of the Biotechnology department greeted the chief guest and Dr. V. Subramanian, Assistant Professor, gave the vote of thanks.