A Special Lecture on “Soft Skills-(Resume Preparation)” was organized by the COMAP Association of the Department of Computer Applications of J.J. College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Pudukkottai , on 12th July 2022 at 10.A.M. . The target group was MCA students.
Dr.K.Maheswaran, Asst.Professor in Computer Science, St.Joseph’s College(Autonomous) , Trichirappalli was the chief guest. Dr. S.J Sathish Aaron Joseph, Head, Department of Computer Applications presided over the function and introduced the Chief Guest to the Participants. Dr.K.Selvan Asst. Professor Department of Computer Applications Co-ordinated the session. Mr.A.Deenadayalan of III B.C.A.Welcomed the gathering, while R.Bharathan of III B.C.A. delivered the vote of thanks.
The resource person enlightened his discussion with Resume preparation and finding job opportunities in online and offline. He explained three different resume formats according to the job profile along with writing a covering letter or a mail. Having a good git-hub profile will fetch lot of opportunities and profile short listing will takes place through even Linked-in, git-hub. Students are informed to never use certain Words or things and avoid common mistakes during the interview. He emphasized the importance of body language, tone, voice modulation during the Offline/Online/telephonic interview process. All the queries of the students were addressed by the resource person. Students who participated in the session, gained knowledge on Resume and Interview preparation.
. Faculty members of the Department and Student volunteers of Computer Applications Department made the necessary arrangements for the smooth conduct of the program.