The 28th Annual Day of J.J. College of Arts and Science (Autonomous) was celebrated by 10.30 a.m. on Saturday 14.05.2022.
The College day address was delivered by Dr.T.R.Gurumoorthy, Senior Professor and Head ,Department of Commerce, Alagappa University Karaikudi. In his speech, studded with citations from eminent classics, he stressed the need for self knowledge and self confidence. He reminded the students that teachers were essential catalysts to one's evolution into a complete human being. Parents too are teachers and role models. A man becomes a full man only through self knowledge , knowledge of the surroundings and the various shades of human relations -familial and social. One should see the whole of creation as one's kin and acknowledge even little acts of kindness and love as expressions of the divine in man. Class room learning was only a beginning ; experiential and personal learning and the ability to apply one's learning in real life where the really important things. One should also acquire linguistic and socio cultural competence.
Dr. Kavitha Subramaniyan, Excutive Trustee, KVET presided over the function. In her speech she introduced the chief guest as a multifaceted personality - academician, researcher, administrator and philosopher. She drew anecdotes from the east and the west to prove how confidence and risk taking were vital factors in a successful career. Once launched on a mission one should have the confidence to see it through. There should not be any second thoughts. One should remember what should be remembered and forget what ever is negative. Positivity is the key to great achievement. She said that the College Day was a day of reckoning and stock- taking to facilitate future plans and strategies towards success. Dr.J.Parasuraman the Principal presented the Annual Report highlighting the performance of the various departments. The College has successfully completed four cycles of accreditation by NAAC. He reminded the staff and students of the vital significance of quality initiatives and appreciated the services of the IQAC.
Dr.S.Sudha, the Vice Principal delivered the welcome address. The prizes were distributed by the Chief Guest and the Madam Trustee.
Dr.P.Jeevan the Academic Co-ordinator and the Head of the Department of Micro-Biology proposed the Vote of Thanks.
After the meeting there were Cultural Programmes like dance, music, mime, etc.,excellently staged by the talented students.