JJ College of Arts and Science, Sivapuram Pudukkottai organized a special meeting of the Alumni Association at 11.a.m. on Sunday, 8th April 2018, as part of silver jubilee celebrations.
The alumni who had passed out from the various faculties, now placed in responsible positions in corporate or government service or settled as private entrepreneurs, attended the session. Besides exchanging pleasant memories, they expressed readiness to offer guidance to the succeeding generations in the choice of professions and courses of study for improving professional competence.
Dr. J. Parasuraman , the Principal, while offering his felicitations to the old students , stressed the importance of positive thinking and the need to cultivate the habit of appreciating others. He pointed out the synergetic link that exists between alumni and their alma- mater and desirable results that will emanate from a healthy chemistry between them. The alumni should take positive interest in the growth and development of the institution that has shaped them into what they are. They should not mistake the teachers for being strict because lassitude is the greatest enemy to perfection. That is the goal of education.
The Alumni Association should serve as a link between past and present to ensure a bright future for the institution and its stakeholders. The old students who spoke on the occasion expressed their deep gratitude to the Management and the staff who had shaped them as skilled professionals in various fields. Above everything they remembered with nostalgia the academic luminaries who forged a fine harmony between firmness and sympathy in managing student teacher relationships. Human relation and campus harmony , they said, molded them into balanced individuals and the lessons in man- management learnt at college has greatly helped them into their professional lives. The President of Alumni Association Dr. B. Anitha Rani presided over the proceedings vice president G. Manigandan welcomed the gathering and secretary P. Priyadharshini proposed the vote of thanks.