The English Literary Association of J.J College of Arts and Science (Autonomous) Pudukkottai organised a Special Lecture on ‘Recent Trends in Translation’ at 11.00 a.m on Thursday 22.12.2022 . Dr. L.Rajesh M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D ., Assistant Professor of English , Raja Serfoji Government College, Thanjavur, was the Resource Person.
He outlined the recent trends in translation and pointed out how the internet, the computer and translation companies can act as powerful aids to the modern translator. He stressed that translations have to be bi-lingual, bi-cultural and techno-savvy. They should be creative in both de-coding and re-coding. In these days of globalization and corresponding localization translation has become important in all fields. Enterprising young minds can cultivate translation as an avocation.
He also introduced various concepts of translation as enunciated by experts like Nida, Crawford and Sussan Bassnatt. Referring to author- centric, text centric and reader-centric approaches, he pointed out the translator`s duty is to target the reader and the source text. Pointing out the difference between words , their meanings and the ideas behind them , he stressed the importance of the context , the co- text and semantic notions like denotations , connotations and collocations .He clarified the doubts raised by the students with telling examples with a sense of humour.
Earlier. Ms.S.Selvi, HOD of English welcomed the gathering and introduced the resource person. Ms. K. Muthulaksmi, Assistant Professor of English proposed the vote of thanks.