J.J. College of Arts and Science, (Autonomous), Sivapuram, Pudukkottai celebrated "UG Freshers' Day" by 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday 5.7.2023. Dr. S. Sudha Vice Principal, welcomed the new students, parents and introduced the heads of various Departments to the audience. She underlined the importance of discipline and sincere work among students.
There should be a healthy chemistry between the students and the staff to ensure effective teaching- learning. The parents have a moral duty to oversee how far their wards were progressing in academics and extra-curricular activities. Dr.P.Jeevan,Co-ordinator IQAC represented the School of Life Science, Dr.O.Umamageshwari, Head, Department of Mathematics, represented School of Physical Science and Dr. S. Karthikeyan, Head, Department of Hotel Management, represented School of Management Studies and presented the departmental profiles relating to courses offered, infrastructure available, and methods of teaching and evaluation. They congratulated the students and parents on their choice of institution and courses and stressed the vital importance of good behaviour and the development of personality.
Dr. J. Parasuraman, the Principal, called upon the students to live up to the J.J. tradition of excellence in character and studies. He outlined the initiatives taken to ensure excellent high standards of excellence in teaching- learning and extension activities. Students should develop not only academic but employability skills. So that they fit into various social rules after studies.
He pointed out the temptations of the social media, 'the screen addiction' that saps scholarly energy and healthy living. He also drew attention to the legal provisions against eve- teasing, ragging and examination mal practice.
They are the three evils to be avoided for healthy campus life. Any lapses will be severely dealt with. He exhorted the students to make full use of the learning infrastructure provided by the management. Dr. S. Kavitha, the Executive Trustee, Karpaga Vinayaga Educational Trust, in her concluding remarks assured the parents that the college will keep faith with the parents and continued to deserve the faith the public have in her. Education at J.J., is students centric and the demands of the students will be met with ready sympathy and understanding.
The college is taking every effort to train the students for life. It is up to the students and parents to effectively use the facilities and services for self-improvement. In this they should emulate our distinguished alumnae, who adorn distinguished positions in the corporate and public sectors and are star performers in their chosen vocations.
From the parents, Mr. Sridhar and Mr. Aakaaddi Arumugam provided feedback. Dr. S. J.Sathish Aaron Joseph Head, Department of Computer Applications, proposed vote of thanks. Dr K.Dhayanidhy, HOD of Tamil and Ms. S. Selvi HOD of English compered the programme.