Webinar Lecture on Research Methodology - Department of Business Administration

The Druckers Club of the Department of Business Administration, J.J. College of Arts and Science (Autonomous), Pudukkottai arranged a webinar lecture on Research Methodology for the benefit of the MBA students at 9.30 am on Thursday 2/2/23. The speaker was Dr.S.Viji, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education. She introduced the audience to the different steps in research right from choice of topic to the final presentation. Research topics emerge from wide library reading, internet browsing and perusing journal articles and discussions with peers and supervisors. One has to decide on the field, the area and then the topic.

The topic must be clearly defined and formulated with perspicacity. The objectives of the study have to be clearly spelt out. Then one should undertake an exploration of related studies to see what fellow researchers have done. This will help in the identification of gaps in research. It will also give us valuable hints on data collection tools, methods of Analysis and the use of statistical packages. Next one should decide on the nature of data to be collected. One will have to hunt for both primary and secondary data. This is the stage at which questionnaire schedules are finalized and necessary consultations and entered into with experts and peer groups. This is to be followed by finalization of the sample and testing its adequacy through a pilot study.

These are the preparatory stages and active data collection is the next stage to be followed by data analysis, tabulation, Interpretation and application of statistical tools to generate valid findings. The final step is the writing of the report. One should follow a proper chapter scheme and attend to proper documentation and plagiarism checking. Earlier Dr.S.Arockia Rosy, Assistant Professor introduced the resource person, S.Karthika of II MBA welcomed the gathering and R.Varshini of II MBA proposed the vote of thanks.