A two day National Conference on 'New Horizons in Computer Science' is being organized by the Cybertech Association of the PG and Research Department of Computer Science, J.J.College of Arts and Science (Autonomous). On day1, the 2nd February 2023 the conference was inaugurated by Dr. Kavitha Subramanian , the management trustee of Karpaga Vinayaga Educational Institutions. Dr. T.V. Gopal , Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai and Prof. Zahid Raza, School of Computer and Systems Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi were the guests of honor. The inaugural ceremony started with the thamizh thai vaazhthu. Principal of J.J. College of Arts and Science ( Autonomous), Dr.J.Parasuraman welcomed the gathering. Management trustee, Dr. Kavitha Subramanian , gave the Presidential address and motivated the participants and the students. Key note address was given by Prof. T. V. Gopal. A special address was given by Prof. Zahid Raza. After the inauguration, the first plenary session on the title 'Appropriate Use of Advanced Technologies to Come' started, handled by Dr. T.V. Gopal. He explained the technology grown from stone age till the recent contemporary age. He clarified about the technological advances, how to live in a modern society, the underlying principles of the same and explained how the engineering advancements turned up the society. He then elaborated the programming paradigm in terms of algorithms, data structures, heuristic methods, meanings of science and technology and at last he reached to explain information technology. He concluded his talk by saying information technology can be effectively used by keeping up the moral compass with human sense and common sense.
In plenary session II Prof. Zahid Raza gave his speech on Computing Paradigm: Buildup, Cloud and beyond. He elucidated the need for computing by saying the process of computing ,the essentials of computing. He then headed to the concepts of multi processing, multiple computing , cluster computing. He then elaborated about cloud computing and its various strategies like private cloud, public cloud, community cloud by comparing it with the emerging trend grid computing. He enlightened the audience by portraying relevant images in real world. He then explicated the concepts of IoT and its applications. He concluded his talk by connecting computing and economics today.
Participants from various colleges presented their research papers in parrellel sessions. Dr.S.Sudha , Vice principal and Head, PG and Research Department of Computer Science proposed vote of thanks. The staff of the department contributed with their presence and support. There was a tremendous response from the participants in and around the college.