One day State Level Workshop

Department of Biochemistry

Report of One day State Level Workshop On Experimental Animal’s model : care, Maintenance & Handling

The Sumner’s club of Biochemistry organized a state level workshop on “Experimental Animal’s model : Care, Maintenance & Handling” on 29/10/2021. Dr. K.RAMESHKUMAR, Head(i/c), Department of Biotechnology, Assistant Professor of Zoology, Rajah Serfoji Government College (Autonomous), Thanjavur acted as the resource person. The Morning session started at 10.30 am. Dr. K.RAMESHKUMAR explained regarding the important features to be taken care of while handling the laboratory animals. He also briefed about the general precautionary steps to be undertaken while dealing with the laboratory animals. He emphasized the importance of in vivo studies in the field of medical research. He emphasised the students to take almost care of the laboratory animals for better results. The procedure to be followed strictly while handling the laboratory animals were discussed in detail. The details and importance regarding the CPCSEA and the IAEC were dealt with in brief. Their role in maintaining ethics within the institution was highlighted.

The students became aware of the mythologies to be adopted while collecting and storing the blood sample and urine sample from both the male and female albino rats. Also steps to be followed while dissection and harvesting the organs and preservation methodologies of the same thereafter for further studies were dealt in detail.

Each and every student learnt to handle the mice. They were made to collect and store the blood sample and the urine sample. The identification and differentiation of male and female rats were also taught. Further the various mode of treatments were demonstrated. The students became aware of complete animal handling, maintenance and care at the end of the workshop. Dr. K.Rameshkumar distributed the certificates to the participants during the valedictory function.