Department of Biotechnology
Department of Biotechnology
- The primary goal of the department of Biotechnology is innovationthrough the molecular characterization and optimization of biological systemsenabling agricultural, culinary, environmental, medical applications which results in the optimization of biological systems for sustainable production and human health.
- The Department is committed to evolve as a strong foundation in Science and Technology Centre by integrating quality and ethics in teaching and research.
- To be dynamic, innovative and entrepreneurial in devising academic programmes, structures and mechanisms.
- To provide the state of art infrastructure and professional environment that enables students and staff to make a significant contribution in Biotechnology and allied fields besides promoting teamwork and nurturing students to serve society with ethical and environmental responsibilities.
- To produce globally competent graduates having creative skills & ethical values keeping pace with ever-changing technological advances in sophisticated infrastructure, instrumentation facility and quality research for the benefit of society and nation as a whole.